Whether involving an employee accused of embezzlement or defrauding their employer, a defendant charged with a series of relatively minor offenses who suddenly finds themselves the subject of a RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization) Act prosecution, or a public official accused of accepting bribes or betraying the public trust, the Attorneys at Michael Hines Law have defended individuals accused of nearly every type of White Collar Crime.  Because the stakes are so high in White Collar Crime cases—the least serious type of Racketeering in Florida is a first degree felony punishable by up to 30 years in prison—and because oftentimes both the facts and legal issues involved are sophisticated, anyone accused of this type offense needs an attorney who is both experienced and capable.

At the Michael Hines Law Firm, we represent clients in White Collar Crime cases that range from:

  • Racketeering

  • Organized Fraud/Scheme to Defraud

  • Public Assistance Fraud

  • Medicare Fraud

  • Medicaid Fraud