Florida’s criminal justice system handles cases involving juveniles differently than it does cases involving adults.  Whereas the adult criminal justice system is primarily intended to punish those who are found guilty of committing crimes, Chapter 985, Florida Statutes, explains that the primary purpose of the juvenile justice system is the rehabilitation of children and teenagers who are accused of crimes.  This doesn’t mean that minors have free rein to break the law without fear of significant consequences, though.  Like adults, juvenile offenders can be placed on probation, or can alternatively be committed to a “program,” which, depending on the restrictiveness level of the program, can be incarcerative much like jail or prison is for adults.  Under Florida Statute § 943.0435, juveniles over 14 who are adjudicated delinquent of any of a series of sex offenses are required to register as sex offenders, just like adults.  And, finally, juveniles 14 and older can be prosecuted as adults at the discretion of a prosecutor, depending on the nature of the offense with which they are charged.  For all of these reasons, a juvenile suspected or accused of a crime—or his or her parents—should consult with an attorney who has experience working within the unique framework of the juvenile justice system.  Our attorneys have helped guide dozens of juveniles and their parents through the nuances of the juvenile justice system, achieving positive outcomes in cases ranging in severity from possession of cannabis and criminal mischief to sexual battery and murder.

At the Michael Hines Law Firm, we represent clients in Juvenile Crime cases that range from:

  • Underage Possession of Alcohol

  • Zero Tolerance DUI

  • Drug Possession

  • Marijuana Offenses

  • Sexting/Sex Offenses

  • Possession of a Fake ID

  • Theft Crimes

  • Vandalism

  • Truancy